Monday, April 13, 2009

The Singing Cowboy

No caption for this one. It's just a singing cowboy.

I didn't originally intend to have him sitting backwards on the horse. I just drew him too close to the edge of the paper so there was no room on the left side to fit in the horse's head.

Speaking of the horse's head, is it wrong that I drew it about as long as the top of the cowboy's head to the bottom of his torso?

And while I'm at it, I might as well point out that I accidentally drew this cowboy is playing guitar with his gloves on.


  1. Well, they could be perfectly tailored gloves, so well-fitting that they don't get in the way. . . then again, they're probably not. I guess that just makes this cowboy particularly talented. :)

  2. that's because cowboys can do awesome things like play guitar with gloves! and nope, the horse's head is not necessarily too big. maybe its name could be "bucephalas".

  3. No I think that's a normal ability that comes with the cowboy skill set.
